Coming Out Day
National Coming Out Day occurs every year on the 11th of October. Coming Out Day is a day that is set aside to honor and celebrate those who have come out as part of the LGBTQA+ community. This year is the 32nd anniversary of the National Coming Out Day celebration.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has a big role in Coming Out Day every year. The HRC gets people involved from all over the country with programs to help youth and advice on coming out, such as “HRC’s Coming Out Center”. The Coming Out Center is an online center that has many resources on how to come out safely based on aspects such as your sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, race, etc.
Falcons w/ Pride is a Fairmont State student organization that acts as a safe and inclusive space for members of the LGBTQA + community on campus. The organization meets every other Thursday at 12:30 p.m. on Teams.
The members of Falcons w/ Pride celebrated this year’s National Coming Out Day by painting the campus bell that is located in front of Turley. They used a variety of colors and LGBTQA+ pride flag designs to paint the bell, as well as place multiple miniature pride flags in the lawn.
The members of Falcons w/ Pride painted and decorated the bell and the surrounding area on Saturday, October 11th, so it would be ready by the time the school week started, unlike last year. Last year, the bell was painted late on October 10th, so it would be ready for Coming Out Day itself.
“On National Coming Out Day, it is important for us to celebrate and remember that everyone is valid and loved including those who are out, not out, or somewhere in between” said the Director of Falcons w/ Pride, Zettie Bowling.
If you are interested in getting involved with Falcons w/ Pride you can follow them on social media or contact them via email.
Instagram: @falconswithpride
Facebook: Falcons W Pride
Twitter: @PrideFalcons
Email: [email protected]