Campus maintenance battles with icy conditions


P. Butcheck

Ice covered walkways in front of the E&T building. (Feb. 4, 2019)

P. Butcheck
Ice covers the entrance to the Turley Center (Feb. 4, 2019)

With the recent fluctuations in temperature this winter, there have been many icy walkways around campus. Tom Tucker, Assistant VP for Facilities, explained that different surface materials respond in unique ways to fluctuating temperatures. The pavers by Jaynes Hall are subject to regular icy conditions because moisture is readily passed up from the ground when the temperature rises during a thaw cycle. Some areas are shaded in the morning, such as the entryways to the Engineering & Tech Building and Wallman Hall, and remain frozen long after the walkways in front of them are clear. Areas subject to draining, like the walkway from the parking lot that passes in front of Hunt Haught Hall, become wet with melting snow during the day and freeze overnight.

Mr. Tucker stated that “every snow event is different.” Maintenance prioritizes what needs to be done for each adverse weather event by first ensuring that the dorm pathways are open, followed by pathways leading up to and around the Falcon Center so that students can access the dining area and other critical services offered there. Next are the classroom buildings and finally the remainder of the campus. In regards to any issue handled by maintenance on campus, Mr. Tucker said, “Life safety issues are first.”

Generally, there are five people who maintain the grounds on campus. During adverse weather events, additional seven to eight maintenance staff can be pulled from their normal duties to assist in clean-up. Depending on the severity of the event, other staff and support personnel can be called to assist. The school has two plow trucks to use and additional equipment can be acquired as needed.

Problem areas around campus are handled as soon as maintenance is notified of any issues. Faculty, students, and staff can assist in keeping the campus ice-free by reporting any issues when found. The sooner the issue is reported, the faster it can be fixed. If you find icy conditions that need treated or any other issue maintenance issue, you can report them in the main office for each building or by contacting the physical plant directly at (304) 367-4110.