Coffee Pot Cooking
If you are a student that lives in a campus dorm, there is going to be a time that you will be too tired to go to the cafeteria to get food, are just tired of cafeteria food in general, or the cafeteria closes before you get there (especially on weekends). Lucky for you, I have some tips for some foods that you can make that are easy and somewhat inexpensive. All you need is a small coffee pot, which you can buy brand new for around $10 – 15 at Walmart, Big Lots, or the Dollar General.
For the best taste, do you want a coffee pot that has never had coffee ran through it before. If you already have a coffee pot, you can clean it by running plain water through it a few times. Now onto the food. You can make Ramen noodles, easy Mac, hot chocolate, oatmeal, boiled vegetables, pasta dinners, and so much more. This is a great alternative for people who do not have access to a stove top where they can boil water.
You should talk to the RA or RD in your building before doing this just in case, and always be in the room while using the coffee pot. When the coffee pot is not in use, it should be turned off, unplugged, and stored away.
Another great use for the coffee pot is get hot water for a hot water bottle. Hot water bottles are great for using for menstrual cramps and muscle or joint related injuries, but with orders from a doctor or physical therapist.
Lastly, I suggest that you use a food thermometer and proper cooking mitts to help protect yourself when cooking with the coffee pot. After all, no one wants to get burned or eat under cooked food.