Candy Bar Sale for Operation Christmas Child
Monday, November 16th through Friday November 20th the Delta Xi Omicron Sorority will be selling candy bars in support of Operation Christmas Child this year. These girls will be selling Kit-Kats, Carmallos, Hershey bars, Reese’s Pieces, Reese’s cups, and Milkyway’s for $1.00 each. All the proceeds are going to Samaritan’s Purse’s annual event to collect toys and raise money that helps fill shoe boxes that are delivered to children across the world for Christmas.
Samaritan’s Purse wants children around the world to be able to have the joys that Christmas brings. They haven’t let COVID-19 stop them from gathering donations and fund-raising for Operation Christmas Child. Donations are sent to and go through Samaritan’s Purse. They are planning to collect shoebox gifts in over 4,000 locations across The United States this year alone. Each location offers a curbside drop-off option. If you do not buy the candy bars that are being sold or drop things off at their many locations, you can go online to donate.
When it comes to Shoebox Packing, both traditional and online, National Collection Week is Nov. 16–23, 2020. Drop-off locations are available for participating churches to collect gifts that will be put into the shoe boxes. To find locations near you, you can search for the drop-off location nearest you after Oct. 26 using their Drop-off Locator found on their website. If you do not find a drop off location near you, you can build a shoebox online or mail your shoebox gift to:
Samaritan’s Purse
PO Box 3000,
Boone, NC 28607
On Thursday, November 19th Delta Xi Omicron will have a table set up in the Falcon Center on the first floor from 11:00am to 2:00pm Any other time you wish to buy candy you just need to find one of the girls around campus. Campus however is closed to the community, anyone who is not a student or staff and wants to participant will have to do so via online or another method.