A Normal Fall Semester? 

As we reached the conclusion of this endless semester as well as seeing light at the end of the tunnel regarding the pandemic, a lot of things are still up in the air. With Fairmont State students being eligible for and receiving the vaccine in numbers it presses a few questions regarding our universities as well as universities around the country’s agenda going into the fall semester next year.  

The big question is whether things will begin to return to normal regarding Covid-19 protocols. Many experts say that a return to normal life is still a couple years away but colleges around the country could have a much shorter timeline.  

While it could pose a threat to the public there are handful of facts that refute the idea of having another year of online classes. First and foremost, it has been proved time and time again that students of all ages have performed worse academically since the transition to remote learning. As a result, rates of anxiety, depression and suicide have risen sharply.  

Another factor to consider, that is rarely thought of, is what the students want. Universities are quickly realizing that students are willing to take a year off in order to avoid paying full tuition for online classes.  

The reality is that college campuses must fully open in the fall in order to meet thneeds of students and faculty. The reality is that residential colleges provide value to students, even with Covid-19 rules in place — even when learning takes place mostly or fully online. 

In terms of Fairmont State, we were one of the first few universities who set out to give the opportunity for free vaccinations to students and faculty. Most students around the country are last in line for the vaccinations prompting for a slower return to campuses.